Hey folks,
There seems to be a common misconception about how to download files that are split into parts. To play the file at all you must download ALL parts of the file. You can't just download 1 part of a 10 part file.
I'm only saying this because currently Part 1 of Zeb's Vegas Adventure has 223 downloads. While Part 10 has 72. Thats alot of people downloading only 1 worthless file. Part 5 only has 61 downloads. So that means that right now only 61 people are enjoying Zeb's Vegas Adventure out of 223 people trying.
You MUST download all parts of a file.
TouchThatBoy Claude Laurent and Sly Conan
Studio: TouchThatBoy
I've been so busy balancing life as a student-athlete that I can never find
the time to do anything for my body besides pushing i...
59 minutes ago
Am I the only one who's thinking: "Well, duh." ?
Anyway, awesome work with the blog so far :)