I know how to download and merge the rar files, but I dont know how to do these zip files. Anyone have any advise?
get a program like Better Zip or StuffIt Expander and just try to open 1 file and it will automatically do it.
I don't think the file is working. Whenever I tried to open with either winzip or winrar, it always says operation failed or something
Thanks for providing all these great clips! This one, is the only one I've ever had trouble with. I was able to assemble them, but then when unzipping (with WinZip) I got the following error message: bad CRC 0059c6e1 (should be b21ef95d).
If it turns out there's nothing wrong with the files, I'm grateful for the other stuff you've provided.
There's something wrong with this file. The others I have downloaded, merged, and then unzipped have worked fine (e.g., the shower scene). But, this one generates an error and one cannot get the .FLV file out of the .ZIP file.
Is there a way you can re-post this?
or email it to me?
thank you

SO FUCKING HOT! Thank you!